Categoria: Imprese e cambiamenti climatici
Ogni anno lo Stato spende 76 miliardi di euro per erogazione di incentivi e concessione di esenzioni ed agevolazioni, alcune delle quali sono ambientalmente dannose: si tratta dei SAD (Sussidi Ambientalmente Dannosi) che nel 2016 sono ammontati a 16,2 miliardi di euro, mentre i SAF (Sussidi Ambientalmente Favorevoli) sono stati “solo” 15,7 miliardi. Link:
Governance & Accountability Institute is pleased to present the highlights of its comprehensive “Sector Study on Sustainability Materiality of the SDG Targets GRI Indicators” research project. Our team examined the Global Reporting Initiative’s GRI G4 roster of corporate sustainability reports that were published from March 2016 through March 2017. Link:
In January 2019 the TEG published its report on climate-related disclosures. This report corresponds to task 4 of the TEG’s mandate, which is to “Develop climate-related metrics in the context of its work on an EU taxonomy allowing improving disclosure on climate-related information and publish the outcome in a report.” Link:
Carbon Tracker introduced the concept of stranded assets to get people thinking about the implications of not adjusting investment in line with the emissions trajectories required to limit global warming. Link:
This is the official website for the Principles on Climate Obligations of Enterprises (Climate Principles for Enterprises). Here, you can find the texts of the principles and their extensive commentary, which expands on how the principles should be interpreted and explains their legal substantiation; a list of publications about the Climate Principles for Enterprises; information about the...