Categoria: Climate Litigation Strategies
Climate Liability News is a not-for-profit news site dedicated to reporting on the issues at the intersection of climate change impacts and law. Those issues include government and corporate responsibility and accountability for global warming and its consequences across society and around the world. Through hard-nosed, uncompromising journalism, we seek to advance a greater understanding and wider...
Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Climate justice is a growing global movement based on the belief that people have a right to a stable climate and deserve protection from the dangers of hazardous climate change. Link:
The KlimaSeniorinnen filed a legal request with the authorities, claiming that the Swiss authorities are failing to fulfil their duty to protect them as required by the Swiss Constitution and by the European Convention on Human Rights. This article provides a detailed analysis of the KlimaSeniorinnen case within the context of climate litigation worldwide. Link:
Launched in 2008 by Thomas Pogge, Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs, the Global Justice Program unites an interdisciplinary group of scholars with the aim of taking morality seriously in shaping foreign policy and in negotiating transnational institutional arrangements. The program has a special interest in the evolution of severe poverty and its relationship with public...
Following the success in the Urgenda Climate Case, citizens around the world are taking their governments to court over their insufficient climate policies. Urgenda also initiated the Climate Litigation Network to support climate cases worldwide. Link:
The Sabin Center for Climate Change Law develops legal techniques to fight climate change, trains law students and lawyers in their use, and provides the public with up-to-date resources on key topics in climate law and regulation. Link:
Climate Liability News is a not-for-profit news site dedicated to reporting on the issues at the intersection of climate change impacts and law. Those issues include government and corporate responsibility and accountability for global warming and its consequences across society and around the world. Through hard-nosed, uncompromising journalism, we seek to advance a greater understanding and wider...
The damage that humans are doing to the global climate may be one of the gravest injustices of all time. Some people are profiting enormously from damaging the climate, while others are bearing the costs. Many who will suffer the most are contributing almost nothing to the damage. Courts around the world are stepping up to address...
Importante articolo del Prof. Mario Peña Chacon, da cui emerge come anche i giudizi arbitrali non possano più prescindere dalla considerazione delle questioni ambientali e climatiche.
This chapter discusses international dispute settlement in the context of climate change. It looks into where international disputes that relate to climate have been heard and those, such as the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), which have the potential to hear such disputes. As it forms...