Archivio Mensile: Novembre 2019

n.68 Slovenia declares drinking water a basic human right in constitution

Slovenian parliament voted for a constitutional amendment to declare the access to drinking water a basic human right. The move has rendered any privatisation of water resources impossible, since the resources will be managed by the state. Link:

n.67 New Yorkers might soon have a constitutional right to clean air and water

Lawmakers in Albany saw green on Tuesday as the Dem-controlled New York State Legislature passed a broad package of environmentally friendly bills, including nods to toxic toys, solar power, and even the humble dragonfly. But one of the biggest proposed changes is an amendment to the state constitution that would guarantee New Yorkers the right to clean...

n.66 Derecho de acceso a la información pública climática

Si bien el derecho de acceso a la información pública ambiental de manera accesible, efectiva y oportuna, garantizado por el art. 13 de la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos y por los nums. 30 y 50 de la Constitución Política de Costa Rica, ha sido ampliamente desarrollado, tanto por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (caso Claude...

n. 21 ActionAid e Greenpeace Olanda, insieme ad altre associazioni e movimenti, annunciano una causa civile contro Shell per la dannosità climatica delle sue attività e la insufficienza delle sue politiche di “sostenibilità”.

ActionAid e Greenpeace Olanda, insieme ad altre associazioni e movimenti, annunciano una causa civile contro Shell per la dannosità climatica delle sue attività e la insufficienza delle sue politiche di “sostenibilità”. Link:

n. 18 Il caso “Gloucester Resources Limited vs. Minister for Planning” è piuttosto importante per almeno tre ragioni.

Rappresenta il primo caso di concreta “climate change litigation” decisa in Australia. Nel giudizio viene applicato l’Accordo di Parigi del 2015 sul clima (tra l’altro in un costesto, come quello australiano, dove la componente politica “negazionista” è diffusa), prendendone sul serio la sua forza normativa di tutela delle situazioni soggettive, troppo frettolosamente e superficialmente trascurata anche da...

n.65 Adaptation and Health: Are Countries with More Climate-Sensitive Health Sectors More Likely to Receive Adaptation Aid?

Climate change poses a severe challenge for many developing countries, and the need to adapt has been widely recognized. Public health is one of the sectors where adaptation is necessary, as a warming climate likely affects general health conditions, the spread of various diseases, etc. Some countries are more affected by such climatic challenges, as their climate...

n.64 States’ Human Rights Obligations in the Context of Climate Change: 2019 Update (March 2019)

As governments and intergovernmental organizations have recognized, climate change has adverse impacts on a wide range of human rights. Consequently, existing human rights obligations defined under legally binding treaties must inform climate action. Link:

n.63 La délicate évaluation des dommages climatiques

Un euro investi pour limiter le réchauffement climatique, c’est un euro de moins pour d’autres usages. Dès lors, cette lutte est-elle socialement légitime ? La science économique compare les coûts des dommages dus au changement climatique à ceux des dispositions à prendre pour réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Une démarche complexe. Link:élicate-évaluation-des-dommages-climatiques